IRR Faculty Affiliate Accomplishments 2023-24 AY

Author: Aurea Hernandez-Webster

Dan Graff - Pope Francis

Please join us in celebrating our faculty affiliates's academic accomplishments during the 2023-24 AY.

Daniel Graff, historian and IRR Advisory board member presented work at the Vatican’s ‘Future of Work: Labour after Laudato Si’ conference last May. As the director of the Higgins Labor Program, he served on the conference’s opening panel championing endeavors addressing inequality in labor, and tying the emphasis on social justice and dignity of work to Catholic social tradition. He presented the Just Wage Framework, a tool the Higgins Labor Program developed to examine criteria that directly determine the justness of wage scenarios regardless of the situation. The conference included a papal audience and opportunities to build new networks of collaborators who attended from over 30 countries

Vanesa Miseres was presented with the 2023 Victoria Urbano Prize for Best Academic Article by The Association of Gender and Sexualities Studies (AGSS) for “La Guerra del Paraguay y sus otras alianzas: las memorias de Dorothéa Duprat y el Libro de Oro” (“The Paraguayan War and its Other Alliances: Dorothéa Duprat’s Memoirs and the Libro de Oro”).

Jaime Pensado published Love & Despair: How Catholic Activism Shaped Politics and the Counterculture in Modern Mexico. "Pensado does path-breaking work to reveal why and how Catholics of all ideological stripes became a formidable opposition to Mexico’s PRI dictatorship—both important questions to explore as Mexico’s democratic transition (2000-present) comes under greater scrutiny." ― The Journal of Social History offered in its review.

Alison Rice presented her latest book, Worldwide Women Writers in Paris, with Professor and author Frieda Ekotto, University of Michigan, President of Modern Language Association. “Alison Rice’s book examines a new literary phenomenon consisting of an unprecedented number of women from around the world who have come to Paris and become authors of written works in French."

Siiri Scott published the co-edited book, Stanislavsky and Race: Questioning the "System" in the 21st Century. Stanislavsky and Race is the first book to explore the role that Konstantin Stanislavsky’s “system” and its legacies can play in building, troubling, and illuminating today’s anti-racist theatre practices.

Juan Vitulli published a new book of creative writing in Spanish entitled De natando. Y otras criaturas de la costa/ De natanda. Creatures of the Coast. The book was published by the editorial house Brumana—an independent publisher specializing in fiction written by underrepresented groups such as women, racial minorities, and LGBTQ+ individuals.

Faculty Affiliate Promotions

Jason Ruiz, American Studies - promoted to professorSteven E. Alvarado, Sociology - promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure

Dionne I. Bremyer, English - promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure

Korey Garibaldi, American Studies - promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure

Michael Hoffman, Political Science - promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure

F. Clark Power, Psychology and Education, Program for Liberal Studies - promoted to Emeritus

Kelly J. Rubey, Mendoza College of Business - promoted to Associate Teaching Professor

Elyse Speaks, Art, Art History, and Design - promoted to Professor of the Practice