Grant opportunities for affiliates of the Initiative on Race and Resilience

Author: Initiative on Race and Resilience

Dear Initiative Affiliates:

In keeping with the mission to combat systemic racism and support communities of color, the Notre Dame Initiative on Race and Resilience is proud to announce its first set of grants for research, new course development, and antiracist, inclusive pedagogical development. 

Research Grants:

The Initiative on Race will provide research grants (up to $5,000) for regular faculty and graduate students pursuing research on race, racism, racial injustice, and/or the expressive cultures of communities of color race. Grant funds may be used for:

  • research travel
  • working groups
  • development of creative work 
  • undergraduate summer student research assistance
  • acquisition of research materials
  • travel for conferences at which the applicant is presenting
  • conference registration
  • additional costs related to research and creative work in the arts, humanities, and social sciences

Learn more and apply

Course Development Grants:

The Initiative on Race will provide course development grants (up to $3,000) for regular faculty and graduate students to aid in the development of new courses on race, racism, racial injustice, and/or the study of the expressive cultures of communities of color. Grant funds may be used for:

  • Research on course materials
  • Creation of course packets
  • Honoraria for guest speakers
  • Travel to sites crucial to the course’s focus of study

Learn more and apply

Antiracist, Inclusive Pedagogical Development Grants:

The Initiative on Race and Resilience will provide pedagogical development grants (up to $3,000) for regular faculty and graduate students to develop antiracist, inclusive pedagogical strategies and approaches in the classroom. Grant funds may be used for:

  • Working groups to discuss and develop antiracist, inclusive pedagogical strategies
  • Speakers to address antiracist, inclusive pedagogical strategies
  • Resources such as books, videos, online instructive materials, etc… 

Learn more and apply

The deadline for the first round of grants is June 30. A second round will open on August 1.