Black Excellence Award Winners at IRR

Author: Pauline Namuleme

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The legacy of Dr. King's work is visible in the missions and daily work of many on campus and in the wider world as well. The Initiative is proud to share that members of our team were recognized as everyday representatives of Black Excellence by the Student Government in collaboration with the Black Student Association. The Notre Dame Black Excellence Awards are intended to honor the outstanding Black community members on campus. These individuals truly "walk the walk" and serve in the legacy of Dr. King.  Award recipients embody the excellence seen daily at Notre Dame in aspects of professionalism, leadership, and achievement. These colleagues serve all communities at Notre Dame and beyond with their work and service, and they continuously live out Black excellence.  
Pauline Namuleme was recognized for embodying Black excellence in myriad ways as she thoughtfully engages with all members of the Notre Dame community with grace and intuitive acuity. She was also recognized for her energy, her generosity of giving of her time, and her valued insights. Pauline was awarded the Black Excellence Award for Staff.
The students additionally acknowledged, by nomination and in award, Dr. Anna Haskins for her work as a distinguished and inspiring instructor in the field of Sociology with noted emphasis on her subject expertise in social justice. Her impressive work as Associate Director of IRR was remarked upon and students noted the lasting impact of that work on our community as a whole.
The Notre Dame Black Excellence Awards are inted to honor the oustanding Black community, 
Please join us in congratulating Pauline and Anna for their great efforts to live the mission and practices of the Initiative on Race and Resilience, not just in our spaces, but in the greater world.