Feb. 12 @ 4:30pm Graduate Ethics Info-Night and Reception


Location: Bond Hall (Rm 104 and 117)

Are you interested to learn about the wide range of exciting opportunities for ethics research and public engagement throughout your graduate career at ND? Do you want to meet other graduate students and professors passionate about ethics and public engagement from across the university? Then please attend the Graduate Ethics Info-Night and Reception on Monday, Feb. 12 from 4:30pm-5:45pm in Bond Hall (Rm 104 and 117). ALL ND graduate students are welcome to attend.

Open bar and hors-d'oeuvres buffet will be provided. RSVP here by February 5 to assist with catering arrangements.

Under the university-wide ethics initiative, opportunities for graduate ethics engagement are expanding, and we’re excited to share these developments with you!

-The Graduate School and ND Ethics Initiative Team-