Research Grants

In keeping with the mission to combat systemic racism and support communities of color, the Initiative on Race and Resilience provides research grants (up to $5,000) for regular faculty and graduate students pursuing race-related research. Both individual and collaborative projects are eligible.  

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Grant funds may be used for:

  • research travel
  • working groups
  • undergraduate summer student research assistance
  • research materials
  • travel for conferences at which the applicant is presenting
  • conference registration
  • other costs of carrying out race-related research and creative work in the arts, humanities, and social sciences.


Initiative grants for research and creative works cannot be used to cover:

Proposal Guidelines:

To apply, please submit a proposal with the following:

  • Brief Proposal (1,500-word limit)
  • Abbreviated CV (two pages)
  • Budget
  • Other Sources of Support and Contact Information
  • Statement of Impact (500-word limit)

Review Criteria:

Please take all review criteria into account when constructing your proposal.

  • Focused address of race, racism, racial injustice, ethnicity, and/or the exploration of the expressive cultures of communities of color
  • Significance within discipline/field(s) of study
  • Qualification for study
  • Likelihood of success of the project

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