Course & Pedagogical Grants

In keeping with the mission to combat systemic racism and support communities of color, the Initiative on Race and Resilience provides course development grants (up to $3,000) for regular faculty and graduate students to aid in the development of new courses on race, racism, racial injustice, ethnicity, and/or the study of the expressive cultures of communities of color.

In keeping with the mission to combat systemic racism and support communities of color, the Initiative on Race and Resilience provides pedagogical development grants (up to $3,000) for regular faculty and graduate students to develop antiracist, inclusive pedagogical strategies and approaches in the classroom.

Grant funds may be used for:

  • Research on course materials

  • Creation of course packets

  • Honoraria for guest speakers

  • Travel to sites crucial to the course’s focus of study


Course Development Grants cannot be used to cover:

  • Domestic or international conference expenses

  • Funds to upgrade Campus Workstation Program (CWP) computers

  • Equipment; Notre Dame Research has a yearly competition for equipment purchase and replacement

  • Electronic devices such as cameras, recorders, laptops/computers

  • Travel to domestic or international conferences

  • Salary for course buyout or summer salary for faculty

  • Publication Costs

Proposal Guidelines

To apply, please submit a proposal with the following:

  • Brief proposal (1,500-word limit)

  • Abbreviated CV (2 pages)

  • Budget with detailed explanation of budget items

  • In addition to the support requested from the Initiative on Race, list all other sources, the amount requested from those sources, and contact information for those sources (name, email address, phone number)

Review Criteria

Please take all review criteria into account when constructing your proposal.

  • Intellectual and methodological quality of the proposal

  • The course’s focus on issues of race, racism, racial injustice, ethnicity, and/or the expressive cultures of communities of color

  • Significance of the issue to be studied within the applicant's discipline and/or related disciplines

  • Qualifications and track record of the applicant

  • The prospect that the course will be designed and taught within two academic years

  • Statement of Impact

Please note: faculty and graduate students are limited to one Course Development Grant per academic year.

Grant funds may be used for:

  • Working groups and workshops to discuss and develop antiracist, inclusive pedagogical strategies

  • Speakers to address antiracist, inclusive pedagogical strategies

  • Resources such as books, online instructive materials, etc…

  • Educational outreach through lecture series, art exhibitions, film series, and other cultural programs


Pedagogical Development Grants cannot be used to cover:

  • Domestic or international conference expenses

  • Funds to upgrade Campus Workstation Program (CWP) computers

  • Equipment; Notre Dame Research has a yearly competition for equipment purchase and replacement

  • Electronic devices such as cameras, recorders, laptops/computers

  • Travel to domestic or international conferences

  • Salary for course buyout or summer salary for faculty

  • Publication Costs

Proposal Guidelines

To apply, please submit a proposal with the following:

  • Brief proposal (1,500-word limit)

  • Abbreviated CV (2 pages)

  • Budget with detailed explanation of budget items

  • In addition to the support requested from the Initiative on Race, list all other sources, the amount requested from those sources, and contact information for those sources (name, email address, phone number)

Review Criteria

Please take all review criteria into account when constructing your proposal.

  • Intellectual and methodological quality of the proposal

  • The proposal’s focus on antiracist, inclusive pedagogical development

  • Qualifications and track record of the applicant

  • The prospect that the pedagogical development activity will be designed, organized and mounted within the coming academic year

  • Statement of Impact

Faculty and graduate students are limited to one Pedagogical Development Grant per academic year.