
The Initiative — global in scope, comparative and interdisciplinary in its approach — fosters anti-racist scholarship and artistic production by engaging with scholars, teachers, students, writers, and artists whose work

  • examines various configurations of race and racism within their historical contexts and in its current multiracial complexities

  • studies the relationship between race and inequality

  • recovers narratives of resistance

  • celebrates the contributions of BIPOC voices to the construction of our communities

  • recovers and preserves oral histories and conducts heritage preservation

  • examines and dismantles barriers to economic opportunities for communities in and around Notre Dame and South Bend areas.

This year, the Initiative will highlight scholarship amplifying two key research themes: multiracial democracy and strategic generational wealth building in communities impacted by legacies of racial harm.


ND Community

  • Center for Social Concerns

    Fulfilling Notre Dame’s mission to cultivate a disciplined sensibility to poverty, injustice, and oppression, the Center for Social Concerns gathers, forms, and nourishes scholars in the study, practice, and renewal of Catholic social tradition.

  • Debartolo Performing Arts Center

    The Debartolo Performing Arts Center works collaboratively to elevate the greater good in society by establishing the University of Notre Dame as a leading voice in the arts.

  • Department of Sociology

    Notre Dame Department of Sociology is a center for innovative research. Our signature strengths are cultural sociology, the sociology of education, political sociology and social movements, and the sociology of religion.

  • Division of Student Affairs

    Through engagement with the Division’s opportunities, services and resources, we encourage students to develop their full potential as individuals, community members and future leaders in our Church, society, and world.

  • Multicultural Student Programs and Services

    Multicultural Student Programs and Services (MSPS) creates a welcoming environment for all students by supporting holistic development through educational programming and cross-cultural exploration.

  • Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study

    The Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study (NDIAS) promotes issue-engaged, inclusive, and interdisciplinary study of questions that affect our ability to lead valuable, meaningful lives.

  • Snite Museum of Art

    Founded on the principle that art is essential to understanding individual, shared, and diverse human experiences and beliefs, the Snite Museum encourages close looking and critical thinking.